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Market Analysis


  1. Insufficient promotion. In general, the introduction of Europe-made building and decoration materials is insufficient and ineffective, which blocked their way of being recognized by Chinese customers.

  2. Taking part in exhibitions occasionally without sufficient follow ups is ineffective.

  3. It is a big investment to set up its own organization in China for SMEs and even harder to find a qualified representative working for them.

  4. Due to geographic and cultural differences, European manufacturers or agents are not familiar with Chinese business environment, government regulations and procedures, and therefore slow down the promotion and sales.

  5. Higher price. The market prices for those products in China are unreasonably high. The reasons are either there is too much profit for the agent or there are too many middlemen being involved.

  6. Long lead time

  7. Hard to keep Customer loyalty.

Solutions from EuroMatl

  1. Providing permanent showroom for the products, Keep communicating with consumers.

  2. Promoting the products and manufacturer via different media types. 

  3. Finding suitable projects and follow up with it.

  4. Non-profit promotion enables manufacturers meet with consumers face to face and signing sales contracts directly.

  5. Forecast for market requirements.

  6. Reduce communication fee. Our trained engineers are qualified to make the best suggestion about products.

  7. Reasonable price and hipped from manufacturers directly will keep the customer loyalty. 


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Copyright © 2003 EuroMatl International Co., Ltd.
Last modified: 2006-12-26
